About Us
We are an institution of Local Governance called “Urban Local Body†(ULB). There are various categories of ULBs in Uttar Pradesh and we are classified as a “Nagar Nigam †type of ULB.
We are constituted as per the Constitutional provisions in the Constitution of India . The 74 th Amendment promulgated by the Parliament in the year 1992 has provided the framework for our existence.
The Uttar Pradesh Government has introduced the necessary changes in the Acts governing the Urban Local.
Who Governs Us
Being an institution of Local Government we have a distinct difference between the two wings
▪ Legislature and
▪ Executive
Our Legislature is a governing Body. This Governing Body which is elected by the citizens living within the geographical area of ours. The geographical area has been carved out into – electoral wards . Each ward elects a representative to be sent to the Governing Body. The other members of the Governing Body are:
▪ MP
▪ Municipal Commissioner
▪ District Magistrate
The elections for the governing body is conducted by the State Election Commission. Any person with more than 18 years is eligible to vote in the elections (certain restrictions do apply. For details please contact the State Election Commission which has its office at
The governing body works within the constitutional framework and the acts made by the Uttar Pradesh Government.
The Executive Wing is headed by the Municipal Commissioner . The Municipal Commissioner is most often a state government officer belonging to the PCS (Provincial Civil Services) cadre and is treated as being on deputation from the state government to us (the ULB). He brings the administrative experience require to execute the day to day works and functioning of the ULB. He ia ably assisted by a team of officials belonging to the ULB with a longer tenure at the ULB.